04-17-2014, 03:19 PM
Vancouver, I was told we are at the upper limit for 'ulu to set fruit. A friend uphill finally got a fruit off her tree after 10? years so there is hope. I have 12 planted at my place. One is doing very well , the others are young or just hanging on. They seem to set back when we have prolonged vog events.
The Breadfriut Instutitute folks recommended the Ma'afala variety for our elevation. You are welcome to wander down the street to look at my trees any time. I have four Ma'afala, one sucker from a tree in opihikao and eight or nine I started from a delicious, old tree from Kapoho that throws seeds. I should have another round of seeds this fall if you want one. It'll take years for them to bear and we have no clue what it crossed with. we think the tree is a Hawaiian/Tahitian cross from the fruit, leaf and growth habit. I sure hope I get some fruit cuz I absolutely love eating 'ulu! If not, I will still have gorgeous trees to grace my yard
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
The Breadfriut Instutitute folks recommended the Ma'afala variety for our elevation. You are welcome to wander down the street to look at my trees any time. I have four Ma'afala, one sucker from a tree in opihikao and eight or nine I started from a delicious, old tree from Kapoho that throws seeds. I should have another round of seeds this fall if you want one. It'll take years for them to bear and we have no clue what it crossed with. we think the tree is a Hawaiian/Tahitian cross from the fruit, leaf and growth habit. I sure hope I get some fruit cuz I absolutely love eating 'ulu! If not, I will still have gorgeous trees to grace my yard
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *