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Nanawale sqft home requirements
Fellow members,
Is Nanawale relaxed about it's 880 min. sqft home size requirements? If a person submits plans and everything is on the up and up with regard to permits, do they generally approve of a kit home lets say in the 500 - 600 sqft range or even smaller? I have heard of other subdivisions asking potential home builders to even get a sign off from their neighbors if it is under min. size requirements.

So is Nanavale easy to work with on this subject?

Mahalo, in advance for the advice.

Eric S.

Messages In This Thread
Nanawale sqft home requirements - by EricS. - 03-23-2017, 09:13 AM
RE: Nanawale sqft home requirements - by EricS. - 03-24-2017, 04:37 AM

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