05-21-2014, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Anxious Messiah
Opihikao, do you feel there is a more than reasonable conflict of interest with Trask running for OHA, her involvement in IDG and , and OHA's "investment" loan of over million dollars to her client/organization for geothermal activities?
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
AM, from what I know, Trask is a consultant to IDG, and other entities. She has her own company Indigenous Consultants, LLC.
As to a conflict, it would seem reasonable for a Trustee to recuse themselves from any perception of conflict if a subject was discussed that they are personally involved in, or at least disclosure for the rest of the Board to decide. Kind of like our County Council rules dictate, re: disclosure and recusal.
OHA invested in IDG, not loaned monies, per media reports and direct OHA information. Geothermal is a resource that should be managed by the public, as we all own this resource. At least give the public a "seat at the table". OHA took the first small step towards that end.
There is so much more to address at OHA, including the Kakaako settlement, and now the nation building fiasco currently going on. I would hope Trask could lend her legal background and experience to these issues, among the many others facing OHA today.
This nation building is really beginning to reek of political agendas. From individuals with political backgrounds, and perhaps some sitting trustees, which has again made a mockery of this effort.
There are much bigger things going on at OHA that kanaka maoli are not pleased with, and that need addressing. JMO.