05-27-2014, 08:34 AM
2bad4u is actually my favorite troll and thanks to Lee M-S for the info re: her now 33 posts in 27 days here on PunaWeb. A few fun facts - this is not her only screen name and she is posting in at least one other forum - infohawaiianacres.org. - that is a near replica of her post at 10:59:33. One major difference - she posts my name (my profile signature is visible here so no problem there) - which is in contravention of the rules for that site. Her screen name there - hawaiianacrespropertyowners@infohawaiianacres.org - again attempting to be anonymous. There were five guests at the most recent meeting - the four besides 2bad4u were there with postive input and willingness to pitch in. 1 road pavement and the pavement on 9 road are in fact the purview of HARC. I recently did a data anlysis of voluntary dues for 1 road that clearly shows a high proportion of owners support HARC. In past 10% of dues from 1 road and 9 road were dedicated to pavement repairs with volunteers (they know who they are - thank you!) filling and tamping repairs to pot holes. There was a mis-understanding that led partially to the current state of the road both of whcih HARC is in process of addressing. Contrary to 2bad4u concerns about the letter posted to 100 properties on 1 road, the response so far has been very good. I just supervised a drop of 1.5" drain roack on D below 8 road. In the short time I was there I got five mahalos. That alone makes an otherwise pretty thankless job a pleasure. The current HARC is still battling against years of abuse by previous members - guess who was a member for 6 years according to the HARC minutes in spite of three year term limits being part of the by-laws of the corporation. I will close for now. Such a tangled web we weave 2bad4u when first we do deceive. Aloha all and thanks to those who have spoken here and elsewhere in opposition to mis-information.
geoffrey wells
geoffrey wells
geoffrey wells