05-29-2014, 12:02 PM
Did you not claim to be a participant at HARC meeings? If I am wrong I will stand corrected. As per my earlier posts I believe in the guise of 2bad4u, juast the facts, hawaiianacrespropertyowners, francis donkey and perhaps other personna you are attempting for as yet unknown reasons to bring down HACA and HARC. For all others - go back to my earlier posts - no one comes to these meetings as a general case except for one person. Either she is posting all of this crap or one of her avatars is doing so. Of course she wants to mislead as to my officila title. Last time - all of HARC's meeting are on video or voice digital recorders. If 2bad4u or justthefacts or hawaiianacrespropertyowners or francisdonkey can dispute these please c'mon down. Are we having fun yet. Pass the popcorn.
geoffrey wells
geoffrey wells
geoffrey wells