05-30-2014, 07:03 AM
for the past few years maintenance of the roads has significantly declined. The board has become increasingly hostile to any questions concerning accountability, this hostility is openly displayed at meetings as well as any interactions via internet etc. board members during meetings have not held back with insults to some of the questions asked at meetings. also at the last meeting a motion was made to " Ban" certain guests, people from their meetings , however the motion did not pass , but instead they opted for "closed " meetings on sensitive issues that they did not want to disclose on.
it is clear, that there will never be forward movement for repair of the roads, and the donated funds will continue to go into the unknown of no accountability or for continued legal fees or staff pay office etc. after all the pay outs is there really anything left for road repair ?? look at your road and you have the answer to that question.
So it is time to stop the madness. I advocate for receivership, I am actively working on the process with atty . I want a better road to drive on not just for myself , but for every property owner. I have worked hard to pay for my property, it wasn't free , and i am sure that the other 4000 or so lot owners have also busted butt to pay for theirs. I am tired of paying unnecessary car repairs. I want to have emergency services be able to reach my home, ( i have been denied that 2 times in the past ) due to the impassable roads .
Both HACA and HARC will be drawn into the receivership , this will begin to move forward once the other lawsuit ends , but that looks to be a ways down the road.
A letter is being worked on that will be sent to all 4000 lot owners , the letter will inform them of the situation as it exists.
lastly asking people to preside on a board that is wrapped up in such legal turmoil where is the thought behind that.. its like i said i think people would be surprised to know which of the board members really own a property in the acres..... nothing to loose
it is clear, that there will never be forward movement for repair of the roads, and the donated funds will continue to go into the unknown of no accountability or for continued legal fees or staff pay office etc. after all the pay outs is there really anything left for road repair ?? look at your road and you have the answer to that question.
So it is time to stop the madness. I advocate for receivership, I am actively working on the process with atty . I want a better road to drive on not just for myself , but for every property owner. I have worked hard to pay for my property, it wasn't free , and i am sure that the other 4000 or so lot owners have also busted butt to pay for theirs. I am tired of paying unnecessary car repairs. I want to have emergency services be able to reach my home, ( i have been denied that 2 times in the past ) due to the impassable roads .
Both HACA and HARC will be drawn into the receivership , this will begin to move forward once the other lawsuit ends , but that looks to be a ways down the road.
A letter is being worked on that will be sent to all 4000 lot owners , the letter will inform them of the situation as it exists.
lastly asking people to preside on a board that is wrapped up in such legal turmoil where is the thought behind that.. its like i said i think people would be surprised to know which of the board members really own a property in the acres..... nothing to loose