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Fruit flowers not getting polinated
Anytime you cut back a plant that drastically, expect a year or two of low fruit production... If the Ohia that this plant was growing up had dead branches in the up area, there may have been carpenter bees up there... we keep some old sacrificial pieces of wood out by our lilikoi...

Avos are always finicky.. too much or too little rain will effect their a tree that is only about 5 years old is still starting off...

We had a very low amount of all bees last year, but this year there are more (last year we had very little pollination of our Manila palm, so little there were very few seeds, this year there are more maybe the bees are also low...

Ants can actually help in taking over some of the pollination work...but I do not like LFAs, so they are in my Least Favored Ant (LFA) list!

but if you did do the hand pollination thing correctly & your lilikoi are still not producing... I would think it is their way of coping with the cut back..

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RE: Fruit flowers not getting polinated - by Carey - 05-31-2014, 06:45 AM

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