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Fruit flowers not getting polinated
Thanks folks for your responses.
I guess I might as well relax a bit and see what happens through the next year.
This place had been let go fallow for a while.
Not terribly so, but long enough that things are stressing a bit from lack of attention, short on nutrients, being buried by the weeds, and so on.

Just spent a hundred bucks on fertilizers and such recently, the same for Tango today.
The bananas are definitely looking better, but are still not there yet.
The next echelon of plants should be in good shape and put out good bunches of fruit.

I had pruned the lilikoi back very severely.
it was basically down to a 2' high stump.
It has been putting out many vines and growing quickly, covering a 4' X 16' trellis in a very short time.
It has been very vigorous.
I may be expecting too much from it to want a truck load of fruit from it this summer.

The Sharwil is suffering from neglect along with being planted in a spot that has very thin soil over a slab of lava rock.
I have picked up 3 more avos [another Sharwil, a Lamb-Hass and an Ota] to put in the ground yet.

I've got about 5 projects going all at once.
I need to finish some of them before adding any more.
Thanks again.

What would be a good sacrificial wood to draw carpenter bees, untreated 4x4 stuck vertically into the ground? ..or...?

Thinking of that kinda makes me a bit paranoid about my trellis, it's made out of redwood. Do I need to worry about the carpenter bees turning it into Swiss cheese, or is it safe?
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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fruit flowers not getting polinated - by 1voyager1 - 05-31-2014, 04:15 PM

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