06-05-2014, 10:56 AM
Jeff, I'm sorry if what I wrote hurt you. That was not my intention at all. Someone wanted to know my experiences with you and so I shared. We both know I didn't write the bulk of it! This is not a personal attack on you or your men. They were nice guys with good intentions but I didn't hire you to be my buddy, I paid you to install my plumbing. All the issues I'm having are just pure facts and I'm not exaggerating or making things up to hurt you or your men. Like I said, they are good guys. I am just very disgruntled with all the plumbing issues I'm having and I'm glad you returned my messages. Thank you that means a lot to me and I hope we can get this current water heater issue solved.
Obie, it sure does look like I just write to slam people. THis is only my 5th post here and I can see how it might appear that way. I'm not apologizing though since I'm pretty good about praise and appreciation...just doesnt look that way here as I dont often jump on the Internet these days. I would still warn people about choosing cali bamboo since I had that problem and then found the boards molded with 3 months. I am so happy with the engineered hardwood floors I did end up getting. They couldn't be more perfect! So I hope to save others from stress and heartbreak by sharing my experience. Now that my construction process is complete I have many more experiences I can share. The following people have all been wonderful: Josh Catton for painting, Ck Park for drywall, Dayne Tamanaha for electrical, Big Aina gutters (I think that's what their name was) for gutters, Fence pros for gates and fencing, Mike Hensley for tile, granite, and flooring, Puna Rock for gravel, Jeff Anderson for local wood and milling, Big Island Countertops, Janel Arujo for drafting, I know I've probably forgot some... ALL these folks have been exceptionally wonderful in their service, quality, integrity, communication and prices. I highly recommend them all.
Obie, it sure does look like I just write to slam people. THis is only my 5th post here and I can see how it might appear that way. I'm not apologizing though since I'm pretty good about praise and appreciation...just doesnt look that way here as I dont often jump on the Internet these days. I would still warn people about choosing cali bamboo since I had that problem and then found the boards molded with 3 months. I am so happy with the engineered hardwood floors I did end up getting. They couldn't be more perfect! So I hope to save others from stress and heartbreak by sharing my experience. Now that my construction process is complete I have many more experiences I can share. The following people have all been wonderful: Josh Catton for painting, Ck Park for drywall, Dayne Tamanaha for electrical, Big Aina gutters (I think that's what their name was) for gutters, Fence pros for gates and fencing, Mike Hensley for tile, granite, and flooring, Puna Rock for gravel, Jeff Anderson for local wood and milling, Big Island Countertops, Janel Arujo for drafting, I know I've probably forgot some... ALL these folks have been exceptionally wonderful in their service, quality, integrity, communication and prices. I highly recommend them all.