06-08-2014, 07:34 AM
its not fear mongering, but bringing the facts of what is going on to the residents. as residents we have a right to know whats happening. those facts have not always been made public at the meetings with both HACA and HARC.
it does not matter who sits in the board seats, new people or same old people the law suit , and receivership continue , as it is the corporation "Hawaiian acres community association" and HARC that are being sued. the corporation is the entity that is in litigation.
so changing the board in the middle of this is strange . the new board (if that happens ) will inherit the burden.
it does not matter who sits in the board seats, new people or same old people the law suit , and receivership continue , as it is the corporation "Hawaiian acres community association" and HARC that are being sued. the corporation is the entity that is in litigation.
so changing the board in the middle of this is strange . the new board (if that happens ) will inherit the burden.