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Crew Needed for Documentation of Wrecked WII Plane
I would be disheartened to hear this trip isn't possibly due too "Toe stepping." As the plane (correct me if I'm wrong.) is more than ten miles from anyone's home. And having been raised on the island, I have seen too many good people in trouble because some person (or corporate entity) said they can't be in that particular patch of nature. I understand the need for detailed plans, and waiver forms, etc. but the idea of trespassing through state owned "nature" being a genuine issue, just blows my mind. Is it not this same mentality that led to our beloved islands overthrow? How is it that someone can own all the property around a beach, -yet not the beach.- (or in this case a Wrecked WII bomber.) and charge or refuse people access? The very government that overthrew us would suggest it unconstitutional to refuse people's god given right to experience nature in its fullest. That being said, ease don't penalize me for question your system by refusing me and my parties access. I do promise to be very respectful and on my overall best behavior.

"It's not about the destination, it's about the journey."
"It's not about the destination, it's about the journey."

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RE: Crew Needed for Documentation of Wrecked WII Plane - by Birchrus01 - 06-12-2014, 12:07 PM

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