06-17-2014, 10:37 PM
North Kulani has a range. Go to the end of North Kulani turn left toward the prison and drive about 3/4 of a mile. The first road going off to the right I believe is called Flume Road. Last time I was there the road sign was gone. It can be identified by a bright red arrow spay painted on the road pointing down Flume Road. It's a dirt road and if you pass the designated Motorcycle / ATV Area, you've gone way to far. If you drive down Flume Road a couple miles you'll see on the right, a dug out banked shooting range that the prison guards used to use. I see HPD officers out there shooting occasionally. It's also where several instructors teach hunter safety classes. If I remember correctly the area is called the upper Waikea hunting area. Wear your orange hunter safety vest as the DLNR does patrol out in this area.