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Mango/Chico Sapote
I planted a Glenn & Julie (PlantItHawaii) last year, both flowered this winter, but I pinched them back, as they are still younguns, ~500ft Keaau....

Although it is advisable to only get anthracnose resistant here, (as the Keitt you have & Glenn are) I chose the Julie (not resistant) because of the dwarfing nature (Glenn is a small tree, but not a true dwarf)

Before taking the tree out, talk to both the Ag dept on Komohana & probably the mango guys at PlantItHawaii... shouldn't hurt to get their expert advise!

Messages In This Thread
Mango/Chico Sapote - by marlin - 06-15-2014, 07:34 AM
RE: Mango/Chico Sapote - by Derrick Barnicoat - 06-15-2014, 03:58 PM
RE: Mango/Chico Sapote - by Rene Siracusa - 06-16-2014, 08:55 AM
RE: Mango/Chico Sapote - by Kelena - 06-18-2014, 03:23 AM
RE: Mango/Chico Sapote - by Carey - 06-18-2014, 05:06 AM

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