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Why farmers sued the county about ANTI GMO bill
As much as I think Richard Ha is a good businessman and job creator, I don't think many people have a very well balanced opinion of GMO. It is just human nature to think in dualities and our national politics is a good reflection of that trait. Yes, there are many catatonic eaters out here in Puna, afraid of any possible toxicant (I can give you the low-down on the etymology of this verbiage in another post if you want) they maybe exposed to. I believe many of their fears are legitimate but GE technology doesn't inherently involve greater toxins or toxicants; merely genetic selection at a much more intricate and specialized level, thus the term "engineering". The problem is that Hawaii Island, or any of the Islands in Hawaii, need monocrop agriculture such as the destructive practices of the plantation days, or to be the lab rats for this new technology; there is to much ecological capital here to be researched and learned from until we start our anthropocentric practices (which in all actuality, are not in humanity's best interest). Big Ag is a scam, it has been proven over and over in unbiased studies by people who know how to practice intensive agriculture. Well developed landrace varieties outperform hybrids; organics outperform no-till GMO; replacing organic matter and sourcing on-sight fertilizer is more economical than soilless culture; excessive spraying produces herbicide resistant 'super weeds'.

Instead of suing the county like a bunch of over-litigious assholes or puppets working for big agribusiness, these clowns could be supporting good research or other community projects. Work on some of the suggestions above along with networking and supporting other farmers and small businesses instead of wasting taxpayer money fighting well-thought legislation.

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RE: Why farmers sued the county about ANTI GMO bill - by wisco_cheese - 06-20-2014, 03:14 AM

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