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Why farmers sued the county about ANTI GMO bill
The GMO ban law is vague and unfair to local farmers, almost totally singling them out for prosecution.

It's seriously doubtful, if the law wasn't there, that all the local farmers would invite Monsanto to stay at their house while showing them the latest catalog of glowing spinach and strawberries that grow in a cube.

There has yet to be a single anti-GMO fanatic to identify what specific health problems are *proven* to be due to GMO. While the specific causes of autism are not well known, it has been recently proven to have no correlation to GMO food. In fact, there has been recent advancement in possibly curing autism:
Century-old drug reverses signs of autism in mice

I don't drink milk and cut most dairy products because they all raise cholesterol, not any vegan or lactose intolerant thing. Tried soy milk for awhile, didn't find it bad but have switched to almond milk now. They both have GMO labels, GMO-free, not that it's a big purchase decision. It does show that companies can take on the labeling themselves without growing government to take care of a market issue.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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RE: Why farmers sued the county about ANTI GMO bill - by pahoated - 06-20-2014, 04:37 AM

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