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Why farmers sued the county about ANTI GMO bill
You wont tick me off rainy. I know most grains that are gmo are dwarfed. I know that the gene that makes the stalk short makes the root shallow. I know that most topsoil is depleted. I have been watching corn and wheat grow my whole life, Ive seen it then ive seen it now. I know venison is way better for you than feedlot beef and I know why. That being said I am not that person who has to be right. I am no scientist. I am A pretty good researcher. I can debate both sides of most subjects , much better verbally than written though.I do know some history and messing with mother nature,mostly a bad idea. I am always interested in knowing how I am wrong and never ashamed of being wrong. please rainy always feel free to correct me really.Im no troll I just like a good debate and you have to admit there is alot to debate on this subject

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RE: Why farmers sued the county about ANTI GMO bill - by fishenjim - 06-20-2014, 09:15 AM

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