06-22-2014, 06:15 AM
quote:Monsanto sucks & most real people know it.
Originally posted by geochem
Originally posted by Opihikaobob
"The Foundation's direct investment in Monsanto is problematic on two primary levels," said Dr. Phil Bereano, University of Washington Professor Emeritus and recognized expert on genetic engineering. "First, Monsanto has a history of blatant disregard for the interests and well-being of small farmers around the world, as well as an appalling environmental track record. The strong connections to Monsanto cast serious doubt on the Foundation's heavy funding of agricultural development in Africa and purported goal of alleviating poverty and hunger among small-scale farmers. Second, this investment represents an enormous conflict of interests."
Yeah, you're probably right - let'em starve, not my problem... really too busy obsessing on whether a microscopic change in the gazillion genetic base pairs I take into my body as my daily diet might possibly impact the purity of my "body temple"....
Also farmers in India are killing themselves as a result of M's actions - tough choice for them, too bad they see it as the only choice.