06-22-2014, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by terracore
Originally posted by pahoated
The dual bait traps work well with fire ants. Both appear to kill the nests completely.
What is this dual bait trap you speak of?
Like this?
More like this one. Actually, this is a newer 4 bait one that I haven't tried out, because the dual bait worked several months ago. Main thing is the big label says Kills Colony.
The trick is get a line of ants leading back to the nest. This isn't hard, just take a paper plate and put honey, sugar, rotten fruit on it. This is for fire ants that are out in the yard. Find the general area of the nest and put these baits around it with little rocks to hold them down. They generally won't go searching for the bait but if it's in a pheromone path, they will climb around and through it. Some will start taking some of the bait. It takes a few weeks, they gradually disappear until one day, they are all gone.
"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*