06-28-2014, 08:05 AM
We have a leather sleep couch and two leather recliners. We were told not to bring them, but we somehow couldn't part with them. Yes, they get mold on them, occasionally, and sometimes badly, but if we keep up with it, we stay one step ahead of it. DEFINITELY have to keep a fan going all the time in the room and have even put in a window AC unit (used rarely, but it does suck the moisture out of the air) AND occasionally use a portable dehumidifier. What works best, though, is keeping the air moving whehther thru fans or open windows or AC or dehumidifier. Also swear by Armor All Leather Care Gel (made for cars) - it protects the leather and gives the longest gaps between "breakouts." And agree with KathyH - don't butt it up against a wall or other furniture. So it takes more maintenance, so what. If you love it, it's worth it.