07-03-2014, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by birchl
The non-profits of America are held to what?
The only question that made any sense. The IRS started requiring a card be sent in every year to remain tax exempt about 3 years ago. The number of non-profits from Puna that remained legitimate 501© plummeted. There is no enforcement to validate but the IRS pays snitches a good amount if tax fraud is being committed. I am just collecting the names of people that are still claiming 501© status around here locally, then looking up their status to find out if they are inactive or active. Just a list, so far. One on the list was Pele Defense Fund. Funny about that one, kind of the same situation, the "founders" squeal like stuck pigs but still defiant against the possibility of IRS investigation, then very quietly, it disappears. Yes, very hahaha funny.
"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*