07-05-2014, 01:17 PM
"Well, I'm no scientist, but if you take a look at the ones they used to build space you can see they're a whole lot bigger than the trees most people have in Seaview. I suspect that's because there's some older lava there in that kipuka on the state land. Older than Seaview, older than Kehena. Actually from the little dot there on my old soils map it looks older than anything else around there. That's what makes it such a shame."
Or they could have come from somewhere else in Puna entirely, none of us know because we weren't there.
The DNLR report was issued to the media before VGS had even received a copy. My understanding of the process is the DNLR officer issues a report, those named in the report have a chance to dispute the facts, either in a hearing or a court of law, then the report is revised. At that point something that resembles the truth is supposed to have been agreed upon by all the partis involved. Going public at this point in the process is premature to say the least, but it sure has given all the naysayers a prime opportunity to disparage the VGS and Graham Ellis.
Or they could have come from somewhere else in Puna entirely, none of us know because we weren't there.
The DNLR report was issued to the media before VGS had even received a copy. My understanding of the process is the DNLR officer issues a report, those named in the report have a chance to dispute the facts, either in a hearing or a court of law, then the report is revised. At that point something that resembles the truth is supposed to have been agreed upon by all the partis involved. Going public at this point in the process is premature to say the least, but it sure has given all the naysayers a prime opportunity to disparage the VGS and Graham Ellis.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb