07-06-2014, 05:49 AM
Oink, #3 why have laws and rules? when considering laws and rules I can't seem to get past the Ammon Hennacy quote to the judge during his tax evasion trial " Oh judge, your damn laws, good people don't need them and bad people don't obey them" I can't seem to find a way to dispute that statement. Now that whole tree cutting issue. Seems odd to me if there's proof of this and it's going on for years and no action by authorities, it should garner so much attention now. And what action is now being taken? closing a circus and farmers market? I used to spend a lot of time in the Joyce Kilmer forest in western N.C. true old growth eastern hardwood forest (amazing place) It was made clear if you so much as took a dead twig out of that place you were going to jail. And people did. So my question would be who did what, who is charged with what, and what is the penalty? Reminds me of the old Dragnet show " Just the facts mam" I don't know Graham Ellis, hell I don't know anyone who's ever been to Puna. Just my observations as an unbiased outsider. Now if they had years to comply and didn't, how do you comply to illegal cutting of trees on state land? Dismantle the jungalows and stand the tree's back up? I understand there were other violations but I see little or no mention of them. How serious are these violations that you have years to comply? Don't get me wrong I think if you cut tree's that aren't yours you should pay a price no matter who's tree's they are.