07-13-2014, 01:44 PM
A common scene in Hawaii is a window framing green. The green is outside but the window is open and you can hear the rustling of the leaves and smell the perfume. It is so tempting when coming to Hawaii to try to recreate the life you had on the mainland -- bringing leather couches, grandma's armoire and guns. It takes awhile to absorb how really different this place is and that the difference is what makes the difference. It is why people visit and flirt with the isle, it is why they leave thinking of nothing but that and fall in love with it, and it is why they make their move.
My island aesthetic has been a spare home, with the emphasis on the outside. I'm blessed with many windows and on sunny days the green on the Eastside is flourescent and draws your eye --and often the rest of you-- outside. On rainy days and Mondays, the drama is usually ---but not alwaya-- outside as well. I don't really have the decorating gene but one thing I have learned about a house is that you have to let it speak to you for awhile before you really know what it needs. Houses speak to you in different ways. Islands do to. I would give it a few weeks before you become certain of what it wants from you. In the meantime, I'm enjoying your exploring and reminding me of how I felt when the island and I were new to each other. Let her win. Everytime. Let her win.
My island aesthetic has been a spare home, with the emphasis on the outside. I'm blessed with many windows and on sunny days the green on the Eastside is flourescent and draws your eye --and often the rest of you-- outside. On rainy days and Mondays, the drama is usually ---but not alwaya-- outside as well. I don't really have the decorating gene but one thing I have learned about a house is that you have to let it speak to you for awhile before you really know what it needs. Houses speak to you in different ways. Islands do to. I would give it a few weeks before you become certain of what it wants from you. In the meantime, I'm enjoying your exploring and reminding me of how I felt when the island and I were new to each other. Let her win. Everytime. Let her win.