07-17-2014, 03:19 AM
Well Said Mr Epperson and Lavalava .
What gets me is no one protests about the Porn shoppe directly across the street on the corner.Right next to the down town park for the children.
Nor does Mr Borden and his hate truck ever say anything in his visual pollution about the Porn shoppe right next to him.
Yes we agree,just ignore Mr crazy pay S.S.I.
Your tax dollars hard at work .
What gets me is no one protests about the Porn shoppe directly across the street on the corner.Right next to the down town park for the children.
Nor does Mr Borden and his hate truck ever say anything in his visual pollution about the Porn shoppe right next to him.
Yes we agree,just ignore Mr crazy pay S.S.I.
Your tax dollars hard at work .