07-24-2014, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by Hula1
My guess is csgray will not attend Mondays meeting but will continue to complain about the HPP Board. I for one will attend and hear the Board out before making any judgements or share an uninformed opinion. Point being, get informed then make a judgement.....
I find your point, get informed then make a judgement, ironic seeing how that is the exact opposite of the courtesy you extend to csgray - someone you know absolutely nothing about, yet you assume much.
She and I must have the same board member because like csgray, using the info found on the hppoa website, I also was unable to obtain contact info for my rep. I had to go down to the office to obtain what I needed.
As long as csgray is a hpp property owner of good standing she is reasonably entitled to obtain pertinent information and have her concerns addressed - preferably without being attacked or having her reputation besmirched.