08-03-2014, 01:24 PM
A municipality would levy its own taxes and pay its own way, so it wouldn't affect you at all Obie. Small towns the size of HPP everywhere in the United States, except Hawaii, have their own cops, fire, road crews, sewer systems, libraries, mayors, and city councils without charging people outside their city limits a single penny.
Hawaii is still hanging onto the over centralized system put in place during the plantation days where people look to the County and Honolulu for everything, instead of having local governments. I grew up in a rural county where the county seat was the same population and area as HPP. The surrounding rural areas had the same population as the rest of Puna. Town had full services and a lower tax rate than we pay Hawaii county, even if you added the town and county taxes together. It can be done, but the legislature on Oahu doesn't want us to be self governing or self sufficient.
Hawaii is still hanging onto the over centralized system put in place during the plantation days where people look to the County and Honolulu for everything, instead of having local governments. I grew up in a rural county where the county seat was the same population and area as HPP. The surrounding rural areas had the same population as the rest of Puna. Town had full services and a lower tax rate than we pay Hawaii county, even if you added the town and county taxes together. It can be done, but the legislature on Oahu doesn't want us to be self governing or self sufficient.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb