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shocking backfeeding generator power w/dryer plug
If you're going to hire an electrician, get the correct parts and do it right: or something comperable. I've had my older now obsolete version for 25+ years and I can assure you it's had a workout.

I sometimes wish I could afford a system that could run my whole house including central air but I couldn't afford the fuel for that size system. I can run some lights, refrigeration, water pump, some kitchen outlets, some other outlets to include the TV and computer and modem and one window shaker AC unit in one room where the whole family sleeps. Here in S. Fl the hottest and most humid weather (beyond)imaginable usually follows the hurricanes. I hate hurricanes. Been there and done that, too many times.

PS: I try to buy C-cell flashlights (harder to find) as you can generally find C-cell batteries while the D-cell batteries generally get bought out. I suppose I should rig up an adapter to run C-cells in D-cell flashlights.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.

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RE: shocking backfeeding generator power w/dryer plug - by oink - 08-06-2014, 01:36 AM

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