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Raises for UH staff - Many earn more than $100K


"Unionized UH employees also received pay increases. Employees represented by Hawaii Government Employees Association, Unit 8, received an across-the-board increase of 3.2 percent for fiscal year 2018 and 3.45 percent for fiscal year 2019.

University of Hawaii Professional Assembly, Unit 7, employees received an across-the-board increase of 2.13 percent plus $500 to the base salary for fiscal year 2018, and 2.82 percent plus $500 to the base salary for fiscal year 2019.

Campuswide, at least 91 of 545 UH-Hilo employees earn more than $100,000 per year, though the actual number is likely higher because employees represented by HGEA are not required to report exact salaries, only earning ranges.

Of about 272 HGEA employees at UH-Hilo, at least 143 have six-figure earning potential.

At HCC, at least 14 of 229 employees earn more than $100,000 per year, and at least 52 of 115 HGEA employees at the community college have six-figure earning potential."


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Raises for UH staff - Many earn more than $100K - by leilanidude - 12-11-2017, 04:13 AM

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