08-12-2014, 05:20 PM
You guys crack me up! I'm sure it would look better if Billy handed out a few bags of ice in front of the cameras.
I'm really glad he chose Darryl Olivera to head up Civil Defense. He's one of the best planners the County has ever had. The biggest shortcoming from our County Administration:
Getting people to take seriously their pleas to prepare for disaster.
In this, someone sure fell short; perhaps it was us. I know I will be better prepared next time.
I'm really glad he chose Darryl Olivera to head up Civil Defense. He's one of the best planners the County has ever had. The biggest shortcoming from our County Administration:
Getting people to take seriously their pleas to prepare for disaster.
In this, someone sure fell short; perhaps it was us. I know I will be better prepared next time.