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HAARP, chemtrails & earthquake - whatdaya think?
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Because this is all the wildest of speculation with little purpose and no resolution.

ROB I am thankful for Punatalk , but what you call speculation could be more adequately answered if the rules were different. Let me also say that, that would open a real hornet's nest of issues and I understand why you would be reluctant to go further - so it is as you say, speculation to some, but others,some of who may go on to their own investigations to answer these questions - the truth is out there , but their is much that isn't, and more of that all the time.
All that being said,I encourage you to go to (uwloops, google it) for a variety of views from sats , and observe the weather from a perspective of - well curiosity alone would do.
Thanks Robert Mage

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RE: HAARP, chemtrails & earthquake - whatdaya think? - by Opihikaobob - 08-14-2014, 07:52 AM

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