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Power,internet, and bringing a job with you
Susan, I'll be watching this with interest as I work from home (conference calls and web meetings) on the west coast. I can technically live anywhere and do my job. I've broached the idea of moving to Hawaii to my boss, who has been generally supportive, but her boss - not so much.

Where are you building your cabin?

From what I've been reading on the various forums if you buy in Puna region internet availability can be spotty and take a long time to get. For cable internet I've read of limited "ports" and having to wait for someone to drop service (giving up a port) before the next in line can get service. That's just getting a cable internet connection if that area has cable to begin with. There are areas where cable hasn't been run. I have no idea how fast or reliable it is (outside of tropical storm/hurricane caused outages) in the areas that do have it.

I've also read a lot of folks have satellite because, obviously, you don't need wires run from a pole. However, for what I think you are looking for (me as well), satellite just isn't fast enough.

Also, on the Home page of this forum, on the upper right side look under Where to Move. There is a table that lists the different sub divisions and the services (i.e. Cable) that they have/don't have. I don't know how up to date it is but I find it helpful.

Looking forward to hearing from folks who live there and have either cable or satellite.

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RE: Power,internet, and bringing a job with you - by HI_Someday - 08-14-2014, 08:10 AM

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