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Power,internet, and bringing a job with you
We have Telcom DSL in the back part of Nanawale. Hubby and I both work from our home office on the isle since 2009.

In order to get it though I had to wait for a port to open which involved calling Telcom every single day for about 6 months straight asking them if a port had opened. I kept record of whom I talked to on each call and by the end when a port finally opened I pretty much knew all the workers by name and they knew me.

Kind of funny – they would say you know you really don’t have to call every day and I would say yes I do cause I REALLY need to have internet in order to have any income.

Eventually a port opened up and we are so glad that it did. Seems to be pretty reliable and a steady speed during the day like clockwork at 8:00 PM bam our speed goes down to hardly nothing and I mean slower than dial up. Telcom says no reason for it to do that but its every single night for the last 4 years so seems like too much of a coincidence. So reliable when it slows down I could set a clock to it.

It’s OK though as long as I have it for work during the day I can live with the slow speeds at night.

Our other house in Hawaiian shores Rec again Telcom no ports but I did not have a problem getting Oceanic Time warner service although they are a bit more expensive than Telcom.

Depends on what you are doing as far as work on the internet – we need to have high speed so satellite would not work for us or wireless as it would not be reliable enough. Dial up forget it....

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RE: Power,internet, and bringing a job with you - by freespirit - 08-14-2014, 02:00 PM

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