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Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare?
I donÕt live there. I know nothing about PGV other than what IÕve read about on this forum. I really have no idea if toxic gases are released at PGV, and if gas is released, if it is harmful. I merely posted what the Weather Channel was reporting during the storm. So please donÕt quote me as if I said it.

Having no opinion one way or another on PGV gives me a unique perspective. And that perspective is that I have noticed that anyone (especially Bob) who has anything negative to say about PGV is immediately pounced upon by some of you.

The statement about the release of gas and the civil defense warning was one of the ÒLatest DevelopmentsÓ that The Weather Channel commentators listed in the studio accompanied with a graphic on the screen. This was then reiterated by the reporter in the field. They didnÕt say where the information came from. Maybe you should ask them why they worded it like that.

As far as the glow, the guy was from the mainland. Who knows, maybe he canÕt tell the difference between a sunset, the lights at the plant or a temporary, localized glow. Maybe he didnÕt hear a hissing sound that others didnÕt hear... would that be all the others that were driving past the plant at the time, as he stated?

I live very close to, and lived through the Three Mile Island accident in 1979. When that happened there were some very scary reports coming out in the first hours and days. Later, those reports became more and more tame, until there was no danger to the public whatsoever in the final analysis. Subsequent studies ÒprovedÓ that there was no increase in Cancer in the population that lived nearby. Of course, people who believe that Cancer rates increased can also provide studies that ÒproveÓ their position.

Maybe the initial reports were inaccurate. IÕm sure the government never lies to us and that money and power have no influence on the governmentÕs version of potentially harmful events. Especially events where huge profits or litigation is at stake.

Later in The Weather ChannelÕs coverage they spoke to Mayor Kenoi, and several other government officials. These officials werenÕt asked about PGV, nor did they say anything about it. Also, no further mention was made on The Weather Channel about it. So I guess that means all is well.

You may have noticed on this thread and a previous one (that seems to have been deleted) that IÕm sick and tired of people bashing Bob for anything that he posts. IÕm relatively new to this forum so I donÕt have as much history of BobÕs posts, which evidently is why he is treated this way. But just because he says some seemingly unbelievable things doesnÕt mean that everything that comes out of his mouth is untrue.

I donÕt even know Bob, but I do know when the schoolyard bullies are getting out of hand. So, as I said in that other thread.... let the Chas bashing begin!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare? - by Guest - 08-06-2014, 06:44 AM
RE: Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare? - by Chas - 08-20-2014, 11:43 AM

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