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Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare?
Dear Tom
NASA Confirms ISON Debris To Hit Earth This link worked originally - it doesn't now - go figure, by the way I am sure Tom , that you would have pointed that out, as well if it wasn't Nasa you would have pointed that out as well.

"CMEs and Comet ISON are unrelated. CMEs were going on before ISON came near the sun and continued afterwards, and it's only the incredulous who think a tiny lump of ice had anything to do with solar activity"

Um - according to this video that is still available as I write this ( A newscaste - (NASA PERPLEXED BY COMET ISON'S ERRATIC PERFORMANCE AS IT PLUNGES TOWARDS THE SUN (NOV 15, 2013)
about Comet Ison and that nasa doesn't know what will happen as it passes close by the sun.

Promising Comet ISON Gives Perplexing Performance En Route to Sun
Comet ISON continues to befuddle observers with its performance en route to the sun."

"incredulous who think a tiny lump of ice had anything to do with solar activity"

Um you got it back ward (wrong again Tom) - not the comet affecting the sun but the sun affecting the comet. That tiny lump of ice isn't going to affected by the close path around THE SUN?(730,000 miles (1.2 million kilometers)

"CMEs and Comet ISON are unrelated. CMEs were going on before ISON came near the sun and continued afterwards, and it's only the incredulous who think a tiny lump of ice had anything to do with solar activity".

A big DUH for the above- I never even implied that-"tiny lump of ice had anything to do with solar activity". You sem a bit be-fuddled to me.

umm, how come CD is providing Generators worth big bucks to a company that rightly should have it's own generator's)?

More related to this than the above rebuttal to Tom's befuddelment is the HTH statement : Civil Defense is providing PGV with GENERATORS umm, how come CD is providing Generators worth big bucks to a company that rightly should have it's own generator's? Doesn't anyone want to comment on this as it does seem odd to me that the county would do something for a company that should have been already equipped with generators for all the important things that could go wrong in an emergency , and which did go wrong.

Mark Twain
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics

Messages In This Thread
RE: Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare? - by Guest - 08-06-2014, 06:44 AM
RE: Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare? - by Opihikaobob - 08-23-2014, 07:21 AM

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