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Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal?
New energy technology is developing exponentially; and the new direction is Micro grids and individual systems.

HELCO's 19th century Grid distribution system is antique technology that's expensive to maintain and may possibly be vulnerable to storm damage leading to massive blackouts(ya think?).

The grid system is dying. Any technology dependent on it is dying also; be it oil or Geothermal. As WE pay for the expensive upkeep of the gridosaur, prices only go up for Grid customers.

People unhooking from the grid are experiencing price drops as technology develops, and as Puna redevelops, I feel that more and more people are going to go off grid. This makes it more expensive to those who stay with HELCO. See where this goes? The circle of economic life.

It's not just solar; think small flex fuel/biodiesel generators, and wind. Look up the Bloom energy box; A fuel cell device that can power a large building. No grid necessary. This is now; what do you think is going to pop up in ten years?

The grid doesn't serve it's customers; It serves HELCO. I have one property off grid and one on. I'm working towards total independence and so are many others.

[Big Grin]

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RE: Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal? - by snorkle - 09-17-2014, 08:22 AM

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