09-18-2014, 02:26 PM
Based on our previous experience running our B&B there was always an uptick of reservations when the lava was in the news, especially if it made the national networks. Many people vacation on another island came for one night, just to view the lava.
If the lava crosses 130, and unless the County bans all traffic past Ainaloa (not an inconceivable act) I can see 130 being like Chain of Craters Road used to be when the lava was flowing in the park: Drive to the end, drop your passengers then head back looking for a road side parking space, then walk back--sometimes a long walk.
If the lava crosses 130, and unless the County bans all traffic past Ainaloa (not an inconceivable act) I can see 130 being like Chain of Craters Road used to be when the lava was flowing in the park: Drive to the end, drop your passengers then head back looking for a road side parking space, then walk back--sometimes a long walk.