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Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal?
Baking, in an oven built by what, powered by what, smelted by what, rolled, shaped, stamped, machined, molded, painted by what? Agrarian self sufficiency is the fast road to nowhereville. I am talking big picture, more than just household use. Steel, brick, concrete, fuels, plastics, aluminum all use energy. Obviously, you are free to live in what ever era you wish, from stone, through copper, bronze, iron, silicon etc., but energy will take you farther, faster, safer than you're own muscles.

As far as the grid, do you have even an inkling of a substitute that will power the farms, the plants, the factories, homes, mills etc., of our civilization? The grid is great, use it every day, all day, and can't imagine a life without it.

Originally posted by snorkle

I see your point Waken. We all pick our masters.

Compare it to food production. Does the convenience of wonderbread and iceburg lettuce win out over baking and growing your own food?

It's a personal decision.

Brace and bit? Nice to have one around, but I prefer a cordless, rechargible. No HELCO necessary. I never mentioned being against energy. Just Grid Transmitted energy. It's an archaic way to move power that serves the Utility Company more than the consumer.

Ono - So Fast - So Tasty!
Ono - So Fast - So Tasty!

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RE: Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal? - by OnoOno - 09-19-2014, 10:42 AM

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