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Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal?
Where did I say I wanted to disentangle myself from the world at large?
How is a Micro grid "off the grid"? I'm just against centralized power. Think of it as centralized power failure. Tens of thousands without power here recently. Did you notice?

There are two reasons, and two reasons only that HELCO maintains an archaic and costly grid; One is that we pay for it, and two is they have complete control.

There was a good segment on NPR this week about mainland power companies investigating the benefits of micro grids.

Technology is advancing exponentially. We will do much better than a tangle of 19th century tree catching spaghetti wires, even though they can be nice to look at(not).

You are the guys that a hundred years ago railed against those "new fangled" automobiles. "Where you gonna drive em, Clem? They ain't no roads!"


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RE: Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal? - by snorkle - 09-19-2014, 12:54 PM

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