09-19-2014, 01:18 PM
I just do not think that basics, such as electricity, water and food, should be so expensive, or taxed, or for profit.
I believe on self sustainability. I made an investment of about 20 grand on my solar system.
Batteries last about eight years. It has been 15 years.
So 250 a month on Helco X 12mths X 15 years= 45.000. and you are still dependent.
And I am not a Socialist, neither a Capitalist anymore..
I believe on self sustainability. I made an investment of about 20 grand on my solar system.
Batteries last about eight years. It has been 15 years.
So 250 a month on Helco X 12mths X 15 years= 45.000. and you are still dependent.
And I am not a Socialist, neither a Capitalist anymore..