09-19-2014, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by punalvr
I just do not think that basics, such as electricity, water and food, should be so expensive, or taxed, or for profit.
I believe on self sustainability. I made an investment of about 20 grand on my solar system.
Batteries last about eight years. It has been 15 years.
So 250 a month on Helco X 12mths X 15 years= 45.000. and you are still dependent.
And I am not a Socialist, neither a Capitalist anymore..
If you had bought $20k of HE stock 15 years ago at $15 a share, you would now have $35K in stock at $26 a share and collected $15K in dividends at 5% per year for a total of $50K. But you would have to pay capital gains taxes on the stock when you sell and also dividend taxes. So probably the costs either way are comparable, except that you will have to pay replacement costs pretty soon.