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Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal?
I don't know of anyone who has been poisoned directly by a power plant, but lots of people die every year from exposure to cold or heat from not having power. Not in Puna, per se, but on Mainland and elsewhere, and with the Earth's naturally-occurring climatic changes coming into play, we may well be entering into a period of global cooling, so power will be even more essential.
Do you have a particular technology, that will NOT be blocked by the Militant Enviros, that will actually work on a paying basis (bearing in mind that if it won't "pay", it will never "play" (nobody doesn't anything substantial merely out of the goodness of their heart - profit drives everything - including juice).)

Originally posted by Mendo

There will be no more geo plants in lower Puna. Regardless of what is written here, it would be an intolerably risky investment. PGV is not movable, as has been suggested. And to claim that our only choices are geo or more oil wars shows a complete lack of understanding of modern energy options. There are renewable energy sources that poison people, and renewable sources that are safe.

Ono - So Fast - So Tasty!
Ono - So Fast - So Tasty!

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RE: Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal? - by OnoOno - 09-20-2014, 06:02 AM

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