09-20-2014, 09:10 AM
How about celebrating the old first?
We've been visiting Pahoa town and it's restaurants more than usual lately , for our own enjoyment as well as for the business owners. If the prediction is now first week in October, for lava to enter the village, maybe the upcoming weekends would be a good time for many to "Celebrate Pahoa Town"..... maybe a little street music, some positive group mana'o....... like Rob suggested, call first to see if the restaurants are still able to serve us!
We've been visiting Pahoa town and it's restaurants more than usual lately , for our own enjoyment as well as for the business owners. If the prediction is now first week in October, for lava to enter the village, maybe the upcoming weekends would be a good time for many to "Celebrate Pahoa Town"..... maybe a little street music, some positive group mana'o....... like Rob suggested, call first to see if the restaurants are still able to serve us!