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Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal?
As far as current technology, I have hope that Tesla corporation's new $5 billion battery factory in Nevada may be a game changer for solar power storage. One of the reasons solar suffers is lack of power storage for more than a day or two. But the Battery Gigafactory might bring lithium batteries into the range of affordability. Much more capacity, much less weight, and no pesky battery acid to maintain. Highly possible that the sun could power your car AND your house. Instead of the huge lead acid or glass mat 2 volt cells it takes to get decent storage now, you might have a closet full of lithium cells that would power your house for a week or two even if the sun doesn't come out. Suddenly solar makes a lot more sense.

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RE: Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal? - by PunaLover - 09-20-2014, 01:18 PM

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