09-20-2014, 08:29 PM
I don't want puna web to change. That doesn't mean Rob runs it how I might (though I have no desire or skill to do any such thing). I would have bumped moose and oneself long before Rob did. That doesn't mean I didn't find some of their posts entertaining. Besides the ones who took most offense to their posts and responded and escalated were the ones that enabled it to continue and spiral into the gutter( albeit crude still entertaining). Puna web has some of the most diverse and interesting posters on any forum. So D.E.saying he misses two of the more off colour and combative posters doesn't offend me. If it does you then you must be on the sensitive end of the diversity scale. To me puna web is like a good tv channel comedy, drama, documentary,history, really good news department. If it was CNN or lifetime network I don't think I would tune in as much. There are people who read every post yet post little themselves. I think they find it as entertaining as it is informative. Some live here some don't. I believe that is why the banter may go on as long as it does sometimes with a friendly reminder from the ref till some one gets vulgar or to personal. So thanks to Rob for running it how he does and thanks to ALL the posters for making it what it is. Without the sensitive side there would be no insensitive side.