09-21-2014, 06:57 AM
Just a bunch of nimby crybabies who don't want to share.
Ah yes, the familiar Puna refrain - if you don't like junkies in the parks, dumping garbage on the roads, vicious dogs attacking people in the street, illegal forest clearing for illegal buildings, and general squalor, you're just a nimby crybaby trying to force your mainland values on the good folks in Hawaiian Acres/Fern Forest/etc.
Ah yes, the familiar Puna refrain - if you don't like junkies in the parks, dumping garbage on the roads, vicious dogs attacking people in the street, illegal forest clearing for illegal buildings, and general squalor, you're just a nimby crybaby trying to force your mainland values on the good folks in Hawaiian Acres/Fern Forest/etc.