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How many on this board from lower puna?
Originally posted by Frankie Stapleton

Boy, has this threat been hijacked!

Back to the subject, I live in Nanawale. Can't even see the glow at night and definitely not being subjected to any noxious fumes from the lava or fires....I've always appreciated being upwind of the geo plant and Pu'u 'O'o! I think we get the least vog of anywhere in the state here in Nanawale.

We are Nanawale also and recently Hawaiian Shores Rec. We have always been on a limited budget financially and purchased a fixer upper in Hawaiian shores rec early 2013. Denny & I fixed her up ourselves (blood, sweat and tears definitely the home contains our spirit and DNA) to offer as a vacation rental to hopefully help us in our retirement years since neither of us have been able to set anything aside and prepare for our retirement. Which BTW is only a few years off – well was, one can always work into their elderly years as long as health permits.

It has been a difficult time for us as with many here in Puna recently. The lava comes knocking and then on Sept 16th (Last Tuesday) we were notified that the company Denny and I both work for is going out of business and can no longer afford to keep us on. We have been independent contractors so no option for unemployment. We have used almost ALL of our savings into the Shores Rec home and were planning first of the year to open her up as a vacation rental plus now have a added mortgage. Of course now on hold due to the unknowns with the lava we will have no income in the next few weeks. Initially felt totally devastated, crushed beyond belief – and now while we have our own issues there are many in the same situation if not worse. So I have chosen to look at the glass half full and not half empty.

We love Hawaii and always will Denny was born on the island which has welcomed him back and has given me a sense of yes this is where I belong we have felt home here more than anywhere else. This board has helped me out in so many ways especially recently seeing and experiencing all the Aloha and support that each has given to each other during this time of uncertainty. We are not alone even when one feels so alone and helpless.

Hawaii is our home and we will survive just as many others will. We have picked ourselves up a time or two in our lives and everything does seem to work out in the end.

So to everyone who is going through a hard time right now ~ remember “When one door shuts another one opens” life is a journey and being blessed with the “gift of life” is the most precious gift anyone could ever have.

Just wanted to say “Aloha” and “Mahalo” to everyone!


Messages In This Thread
RE: How many on this board from lower puna? - by missydog1 - 09-19-2014, 04:57 AM
RE: How many on this board from lower puna? - by freespirit - 09-23-2014, 01:39 AM

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