10-03-2014, 04:15 PM
the truth is,you can't handle the truth...would it change your sense of what is real if you knew the real truth of this matter? Who want's to know the truth? This D.L.N.R. fine is only the tip of the iceberg as the saying goes...What Graham and his cohorts in crime have done to manipulate the Seaview subdivision as well as the county and state governments has a long sordid history...Who want's to handle the hot potato now? Who wants to know the truth of this matter really? I know who cut those tree's off of state land and built the space with them,who else want's to know the truth.? It would be a great thing if Graham could find the focus to go forward with the children's education program's without trying to scam his neighbor's and local government's along the way..and it would be even greater if he could own up to his past manipulations, and put it behind his ass and show us all some words with integrity,that we can trust and believe in...