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Hawaiian culture and modern community development.
Originally posted by JG-HPP

Most of the world's cultures have evolved over time by wave after wave of aggression by others. Every conquering army has brought its own culture with it and demanded its adoption. Look at Isis.

This is, for better or worse, the truth of human history.
A small sampling of examples:
The Huns.
The Tartars.
The Saxons.
The Vikings.
The succeeding waves of Polynesians who came to these islands.
None of it, IMO, good, to extent there was violence, oppression, destruction as part of forcing their own culture on the conquered...

A basic reality is that time travel is a fantasy -- no mortal can go back in time, nor forward ahead of any other mortal. We only have the present and what we can make of the future as it greets us all together.

A human culture of love and respect is what I believe would be true cultural progress. Maybe another fantasy, but one more achievable than time travel.

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RE: Hawaiian culture and modern community development. - by james weatherford - 10-12-2014, 03:10 AM

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