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Storm Track Forecasts Sudden Hurricane For Hawaii
Tropical storm Ana is tightening really fast, with a strong center. The storm surge will be making a beeline to Kapoho at the end of the week. The strength of this storm is made more awesome seeing that the storm yesterday was like a bow front for TS Ana.

Pele used to play ping-pong with her sister Na-mako-o-Kaha'i but it appears Pele has grown weary of this game after one thousand years and is just going to let her sister spin her balls at the kane pins.

"Mahalo nui Pele, 'ae noho ia moku 'aina" - kakahiaka oli
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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RE: Storm Track Forecasts Sudden Hurricane For Hawaii - by pahoated - 10-14-2014, 05:51 AM

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