10-22-2014, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by Kenney
Dr. W,
A day late and a dollar short.
Where were you when the last Mgr. was threatening residents, wasting our money, piling green waste, breaking laws?,
Where were you when the last BOD ran this place like it was their own kingdom, breaking the BiLaws left and right? Didn't hear a peep from you then.
You seem to be pretty selective with your "justice and ethical values".
Kenney, I couldn't have said it better myself. James, I know you were around because we all know your wife was on the board in the very recent past.
These mismanagement actions Kenney speaks of occurred throughout the tenure of the terminated employees so includes other board members beyond the previous board. Read the BoD Minutes starting around 2009-2010 with the employee conflict of interest topic and go forward in time. See who the repeat board members are. How does an employee trucking conflict of interest disappear off the agenda so it can continue? Why did we keep using the same road material vendor despite the DOH fugitive dust complaint and all the irate owner complaints over the past 3-4 years. Why wouldn't you just change the vendor to get a better product instead of watering the roads in the heat of the day which means the water evaporates in minutes. It was a costly remedy to our association.
From Dec 2013 until June 2014 was an especially stressful time with all the blunders from the previous management and majority board which cost us a loss of thousands and thousands of dollars.
Phanor, why don't you go study the Minutes (although edited or at times coincidentally missing ) and see if you still think you want to stand up for the terminated employees.
Phanor, you and your husband have done a great disservice for all of the HPP lot owners by inciting fear out in public. The previous JC group did a similar thing advertising in the paper to incite owners before the Special Membership Meeting called by JC group including few HPP NW people, one of them who helped script the petition. Are you part of this same group?
Inciting fear and anger in public harms HPP's reputation and property values. Nothing good comes out of it.